Produsert av
Hørselshemmedes Landsforbund
Covid-19 information
in International Sign for Residents of Norway
Subtitles in English
ترجمة باللغة العربية
Undertekster på norsk
Information in these films is advisory only and does not replace advice by medical professionals or the public health authorities. The films follow advice given by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) during the time of production. Please check for the most current updates and with your medical professional for appropriate health advice.
معلومات†حول†بلغة الاشارة الدولیة للمقیمین في النرویج
المعلومات الواردة في ھذه الأفلام ارشادیة فقط ولا تحل محل مشورة المتخصصین الطبیین أو سلطات الصحة العامة.
خلال وقت الإنتاج. FHI تتبع الأفلام النصائح التي قدمھا المعھد النرویجي للصحة العامة یرجى مراجعة
للحصول على أحدث التحدیثات واستشارة طبیبك المختص للحصول على المشورة الصحیة
The Covid-19 Coronavirus
What is the coronavirus? This video will explain the virus and give basic guidelines about the virus and social distancing.
- What is the coronavirus?
- How dangerous is the coronavirus?
- Meeting with people
- What are the symptoms of coronavirus?
- How long can you be ill for?
What to do if you have Covid-19?
How does Covid-19 develop in individuals? What steps must you take to ensure yours and others safety?
- What to do if you think you have Covid-19?
- Can you go to the emergency medical center without an appointment if you think you are infected?
- High-risk groups
- If you are in a high-risk group
- Employment
- Keep up to date
Covid-19: Practice proper hygiene
Proper hygiene can reduce your chances of getting the coronavirus. This video will explain proper hand hygiene and social distancing rules.
- Practice good hygiene!
- Hand hygiene
- Respiratory hygiene
- Social distancing
How to use facial coverings
This video will explain the different types of facial coverings and the proper way to use both cloth and medical face masks.
- Use of face masks
- When to use a face mask
- Medical masks and cloth masks
- Advice for people using medical face masks
- Advice for people using cloth face masks
- What not to do
The Coronavirus: Advice for Children and Families
This video will give advice to caregivers and families on safety measures and regulations during the Covid-19 pandemic for children and youth.
- Children and families
- Children and adolescents with symptoms
Children and youth in preschools and schools
During the pandemic, many people have questions about when their children should stay home from childcare or school. In this video, we will explain what to look for when deciding whether your child or youth should go to school.
- Families and children
- Does your child have covid-19?
Home Quarantine
Who needs to be in home quarantine? What can you do or not do while in home quarantine? This video explains the Norwegian Health Authority’s rules for home quarantine.
- Home quarantine and home isolation
- Who has to go into home quarantine?
- What to do during quarantine?
- Sharing a home with a member of a risk group
- Risk groups
Home Isolation
If you are diagnosed with Covid-19, you must go into home isolation. This video explains the Norwegian Health Authority’s rules for home isolation.
- Home isolation
- Home isolation with a positive test
- Alone in home quarantine
Health care during the Covid-19 Pandemic
When should you contact health centers? Should you keep your regular medical appointments? This video explains how to proceed with your regular health appointments during the pandemic.
- Using ordinary health services
- Visiting your doctor
Produsert av Supervisuell i samarbeid med Ål folkehøyskole og kurssenter for døve.
Prosjektleder Ål folkehøyskole: Joseph J. Murray
Prosjektleder Supervisuell: Finn Arild Thordarson
Produsert med støtte fra Stiftelsen Dam via Hørselshemmedes Landsforbund